Nazareth Guild Trivia Video – Starring JoAnn Gogl

Tuesday’s Trivia was brought to you all the way from Walla Walla. JoAnn Gogl is a K-6 music teacher & the 6-8 religion teacher at Assumption Catholic school.

In yesterday’s trivia video, Mrs. Gogl talked about how Holy Week and Easter is the most important time during the Catholic liturgical year. She talked about the Easter vigil being a part of the Sacred Triduum, which is considered to be the last three days of Holy Week. In addition, during the Easter Vigil the congregation chants a beautiful Easter hymn. The hymn references events from the Old Testament that actually prefigures events that are fulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament.

Mrs. Gogl posed two trivia questions:

  1. What is the Latin name for the Easter hymn that is chanted?

The “Exsultet” or “Praeconium Paschale”

  1. What are the names for the three days that follow the end of Holy Week?

Holy (or Maundy) Thursday; also called Mass of the Lord’s Supper (USCCB)

Good Friday, also called Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion (USCCB)

Holy Saturday; also called Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord (USCCB)


Congratulations to our three winners below.

Trivia Winners 4/14/2020:
Congratulations to our $10.00 Amazon Trivia Winners:


Nate K – St. Mary,6th grade
Zach F – Cataldo, 6th grade
Daniel B  – Assumption (WW), 8th grade

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