About the Nazareth Guild
In 2010 Blase Cardinal Cupich and Don Herak gathered together interested and committed individuals who cared deeply about the future of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Spokane. Catholic schools in the Diocese of Spokane had reported budget deficits, as a result of declining enrollment and increasing operating costs. Nazareth Guild Board of Directors identified it was time for action and began its commitment to financially support the schools in our diocese.
Nazareth Guild seeks full enrollment for all schools, especially those serving the underserved and under-resourced, by offering tuition assistance grants to students who cannot afford the full cost of tuition. Nazareth Guild seeks to support the Catholic schools in eastern Washington in their efforts to offer an excellent academic education based in the Catholic tradition.
“As a graduate of Catholic schools, grammar through university, and a former teacher and high school president for almost twenty years, I have experienced first-hand the academic excellence, extensive extracurricular activities, and the disciplined learning that occurs each day. And this all happens within the context of the beauty and tradition of our Catholic faith. As the Church, we must do all we can to share this blessed opportunity with generations to come.”
– Most Reverend Thomas A. Daly
Your support helps Catholic K-12 schools in eastern Washington by providing tuition assistance to students with financial need, grants for special school programs and improvements, and ongoing organizational support.
Debbie Battaglia
Executive Director
Debbie can be reached through our CONTACT FORM or call office (509) 744-3259 ; she invites you to reach out, and learn more about the future of Nazareth Guild.
Raelene Albinson
Community Reports
Please take a look at our Community Reports to see the work that the Nazareth Guild has been doing in our community.
Nazareth Guild Board of Directors
Most Rev. Thomas A. Daly
Henry Worden, Chair
Dave McGann, Vice Chair
Ashley Thorne, Treasurer
Nada Stockton, Secretary
Rev. Victor Blazovich Jane Ewers Angie Krauss Dan Murphy Katie Rieckers Lisa Welsh
Emeritus Board: John Luger, Steve Helmbrecht, Dr. Rob McCann, Dr. Thayne McCulloh, Sr. Mary E. Tracy, SNJM, Carmella Garabedian, and Tim Welsh
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