School Partnerships Grants
Nazareth Guild strengthens and revitalizes Catholic schools in Eastern Washington through grant programs that fund immediate school needs and support the success of the school. These grants are made in partnership with each Catholic school by donors who are committed to the mission of Catholic education. All Catholic schools in the Diocese of Spokane are welcome to apply to these grant programs.
For more information contact (509) 744-3259

School Partnership Grants
Nazareth Guild School Partnership Grant Program is designed to provide financial support and professional growth opportunities related to increasing academic excellence. All Catholic school principals are invited to apply.
Principals may apply for one school grant for any of the following: special projects, capital purchases, on-going training. Grant recipients will be required to submit detailed accounting, and receipts of how the grant funds were expended within six months.
Please complete the application (attach supporting or additional documentation if needed) and submit no later than May 10, 2024. All funds must be expended in the 2024-25 budget year.
School Partnership Grants Applications are now closed.
Bishop Brigade Grants
Catholic schools in eastern Washington facing an immediate need for capital repair and improvement projects are eligible to apply for funding & assistance towards enhancing the physical plant of their school. All Catholic school principals are invited to apply.
The application process has not been opened yet for this school year. We will send a notification if or when we open the application process. Thank you!
PLEASE NOTE: Once you have selected an application above, complete the form, and add all required signatures. You will receive a confirmation email.
Partners in Catholic Education